CariJob Asia
Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs your use of the Services and Platforms created by CARIJOB.ASIA (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). The Company pledges to meet fully with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (the "PDPA"). Users are strongly recommended to read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand our practices regarding the treatment of personal information and data.

1. Purpose of Collection of Personal Data

1.1 Reasons for Data Collection

In the course of using the Channels, Users may disclose or be asked to provide personal information and/or data. The Company's purposes for collection of information and data include but are not limited to:

a) Performing daily operations of the services provided to Users; b) Identifying Users who have posted Information on the Channels; c) Providing Users with marketing and promotional materials; d) Enabling members to enjoy their benefits; e) Compiling and analyzing aggregate statistics about Users' use of the Channels; f) Designing and providing products and services to Users; g) Facilitating the Company's use of User's personal data for purposes relating to the provision of services and marketing.

1.2 Data Minimization Principle

The Company strives to collect only personal data which is necessary and adequate but not excessive in relation to the purposes set out above. We are committed to ensuring that we only collect information that is directly relevant to providing our services and enhancing user experience.

2. Collection of Personal Data

2.1 Types of Personal Information Collected

The Company may collect personal information and/or data about the User, including but not limited to:

  • Name, login ID and password
  • Address, email address, phone number
  • Age, sex, date of birth
  • Country of residence, nationality
  • Education level and work experience
  • Employment history and professional qualifications
  • User preferences and interests
  • Device information and IP addresses

2.2 Access to Personal Information

Only duly authorized staff of the Company will be permitted to access the User's personal information and data. We implement strict access controls and authentication procedures to ensure that personal data is only accessible on a need-to-know basis.

3. Disclosure or Transfer of Data

3.1 Circumstances of Data Disclosure

The Company may disclose and/or transfer User's information to third parties under the following circumstances:

a) To third party suppliers or external service providers under a duty of confidentiality; b) To agents or associates of the Company; c) To comply with applicable laws and regulations; d) To maintain and improve the services on the Channels.

We ensure that all third parties are bound by contractual obligations to keep personal information confidential and use it only for the purposes for which we disclose it to them.

3.2 International Data Transfers

Personal data collected via the Channels may be transferred, stored, and processed in any country in which the Company operates. We take all necessary steps to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy, regardless of the location.

3.3 Google API Services Compliance

The Company adheres to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements. This means that we handle any data received from Google APIs with the utmost care and in compliance with Google's strict privacy and security standards.

4. Subscription to Newsletter, Promotional Materials, or Marketing Materials

4.1 Direct Marketing and User Consent

The Company may use the User's data in direct marketing and requires the User's consent for that purpose. The following may be marketed:

a) Alerts, newsletters, updates, promotional materials, special privileges; b) Products and services offered by the Company and its advertisers; c) Donations and contributions for charitable purposes.

We ensure that all marketing communications include an easy opt-out mechanism and clearly state the purpose of the communication.

4.2 Opting Out of Marketing Communications

Users may opt out of receiving such materials by logging into their account, using the unsubscribe link provided in each communication, or contacting Customer Service. We process opt-out requests promptly and ensure that users who have opted out do not receive further marketing communications.

5. Access and Correction Rights

5.1 User Rights to Personal Data

Any User is entitled to request access to or make amendments to their personal information by contacting Customer Service. This right includes:

  • Obtaining confirmation that we are processing your personal data
  • Accessing your personal data
  • Correcting any inaccuracies in your personal data
  • Requesting the deletion of your personal data in certain circumstances

5.2 Response Time to User Requests

The Company is required to respond to a User's request within fourteen (14) days of the request. We strive to provide a comprehensive response to all requests and will inform the user if we require additional time to fully address their request.

6. Cookies and Log Files

6.1 Use of Cookies and Log Files

The Company uses cookies and log files to track User activities, estimate audience size, measure traffic patterns, and administer the Channels. This information helps us to:

  • Understand how users interact with our services
  • Improve the functionality and user experience of our platforms
  • Detect and prevent fraudulent activities
  • Customize content and advertising based on user preferences

6.2 Third-Party Cookies and Marketing

The Company and third-party vendors use cookies to inform, optimize, and serve marketing materials based on Users' past visits to the Channels. Users have the right to control their cookie preferences through their browser settings or our cookie management tool.

7. Security Measures

7.1 Data Protection Measures

The Company implements appropriate electronic and managerial measures to safeguard Users' personal information and data. These measures include:

  • Encryption of sensitive data
  • Regular security audits and penetration testing
  • Employee training on data protection and security practices
  • Access controls and authentication procedures
  • Regular backups and disaster recovery plans

7.2 Limitations of Internet Security

However, no method of transmission over the Internet is completely secure. While we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. Users are encouraged to take precautions to protect their personal data when online.

8. Retention of Personal Data

Personal information and/or data of Users will be retained until the User requests the Company in writing to erase their data or terminate their membership. We regularly review our data retention periods to ensure we only keep personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes set out in this policy.

9. Changes in this Privacy Policy

The Company reserves the right to update, revise, modify, or amend this Privacy Policy at any time as deemed necessary. When we make significant changes to this policy, we will notify users through a prominent notice on our website or by email. We encourage users to periodically review this policy to stay informed about how we protect their personal information.

10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Privacy Policy shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore. You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts for any disputes arising from or in connection with this Privacy Policy or your use of our services.

For any query, please contact our Customer Service Representative at:

  • Phone: +6011 3599 7696
  • Email:

We are committed to addressing any questions, comments, or concerns you may have about our privacy practices promptly and transparently.